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西安建筑科技大学赴中欧招聘公告( Announcement of XAUAT’s Central Europe Recruitment)

日期:2018-08-03     浏览数:


学校简介Introduction to XAUAT

西安建筑科技大学,是我国著名的土建老八校之一和原冶金部重点大学,是国务院首批批准具有博士、硕士学位授予权的学校,是陕西省重点建设的高水平大学,也是住建部和陕西省共建的大学。 经过并校60年的不懈努力,现已发展成为一所以土木建筑、环境市政、材料冶金及其相关学科为特色,以工程技术学科为主体,文、理、经、管、艺、法等学科协调发展的多科性大学。


XAUAT (Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology) is one of the eight well-known civil engineering and architecture universities in China and a key university affiliated to the former Ministry of Metallurgy. As one of the earliest universities authorized by the State Council, PRC, to confer master and doctoral degrees, XAUAT is a high-level university jointly constructed by Shaanxi province and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. After sixty years of unremitting endeavor, XAUAT has now developed into a multidisciplinary university specialized in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Municipal Engineering, Material Science, Metallurgy and other related disciplines, and featured by the coordinated development of Humanities, Science, Economics, Management, Art and Law.

Aimed at a high-level university with an international fame, XAUAT is now deepening its reform and strengthening connotation construction. Welcome to join us! 

招聘学科Related fields


Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, Landscape, Environment Science and Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Mining engineeringMetallurgy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and TechnologyChemistry Engineering and Technology, Science.



A doctoral degree and overseas learning or working experiences are required.

Applicant is supposed to have high academic achievements and be ranked highly among peer researchers in the academic field.

Applicant is supposed to have a broad academic perspective and creative thinking, which is required for potential academic leaders.

 相关待遇Salary and Benefits



Based on academic strength, XAUAT provides every talent with a settling-in allowance of 200,000-1000,000 RMB, a research starting fund of  200,000-20,000,000 RMB, and an apartment for living or transition. XAUAT also provides job opportunities for the talent's spouse and school entrance for minor children. Besides, XAUAT provides necessary research and working facilities.

For high-level talents urgently needed, salary and benefits can be discussed personally.


XAUAT will arrange exhibitions to recruit talents during October 17 to 26, 2018 with Shaanxi University-Talent Recruitment Group in cities of Central Europe including Czech, Hungary, Poland. Welcome to join us!



CV should be sent to the Department of Human Resources by email: zhaopin@xauat.edu.cn@xauat.edu.cn. A CV should include personal information, study and work experiences, published and collected papers, research projects, patents and awards, etc. For the title of emails, please use the following format: application for Central Europe Recruitment + name + major.

 联系方式Contact Us









Department of Human Resources, XAUAT

Contacts: Chuantao Pang, Wei He

Tel: +86-29-82202184

Email: zhaopin@xauat.edu.cn

Website: http://www.xauat.edu.cn








上一篇:诚挚欢迎海内外优秀学者参加西安建筑科技大学第三届“雁塔学者论坛” 下一篇:我校博士后刘衍入选2018年度“香江学者计划”